Friday, August 1, 2008

Nick Kasoff responds

Nick Kasoff commented this morning on my July 29 post “Another race hoax exposed?” He denies any involvement with the Yacub 7 Ali/Ghetto Bragging Rights websites.

Mr. Kasoff has asked me to publish his response as prominently as my original post. And I am happy to do so. Here it is:
NICK KASOFF: Hi ... I’m Nick Kasoff, the webmaster of The Thug Report. Thanks for the nice write up. And kudos for your excellent research on my other activities. However, there are a few things that need correction here:

1. I am not, and have never been, affiliated with any of the websites you name here, nor do I contribute to them in any way.

2. It’s not hard to see that I have nothing to do with these sites - I do not, and have never, done anything anonymously on the internet. My domains are registered in my own name, and my blog posts are also done with my real name. Heck, I’m even listed in the phone book. Why would I do a bunch of anonymous blogs, then expose myself to heat by putting my name on The Thug Report? Anonymous domain registration is only twenty bucks a year, people ...

3. While we appreciate anyone who links to our site, that does not imply that we endorse their views. We receive traffic from all sorts of sites, from white supremacist to hip hop.

While you have obviously concluded the contrary, I actually like black people. I live in a racially diverse area, not because I can’t afford one of those all white enclaves in the ‘burbs, but because I prefer the urban environment. I find that the vast majority of black people are friendly, hard working, and just generally decent folks.

If you read the “About the Thug Report” page on the site, you’ll see my motive for doing this is NOT to defame black people, but to help, in my small way, to drive us toward a solution to urban crime. While I don’t have the solution, I feel that identifying the problem is the first step to finding it.

Our cities and inner ring suburbs are America’s future. They are the only place you can live without spending huge amounts of time and money driving. They are racially and economically diverse, have a housing stock of quality that today’s builder’s can’t match, and a sense of community that the gated neighborhoods of suburbia can never create. I am outraged that a tiny group of lawless people have succeeded in making large swaths of urban America uninhabitable. The Thug Report is my contribution toward reversing that trend.

I understand that many of you may disagree with the tactic. But at least now, you understand the motive is as far from racial animus as one can get.

Nick Kasoff
The Thug Report

August 1, 2008 7:26 AM